Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So apparently I haven't posted in over a week. And I don't really have an excuse. I could say that life got in the way, but everyone else seems to manage - and not just manage, but continually write new, witty, inspiring posts daily - so I doubt that will fly :) I must say though, I am learning the hard way that having a blog is oh-so-different from reading blogs, and I am impressed with all you ladies out there who juggle jobs, friends, families, and write posts regularly. Do y'all sleep??

Seriously though, it's been a crazy week and a half:

- Work. With my boss out on maternity leave, work was a bit quieter for the first couple of weeks since all the incoming projects went to people in a different office first (I'm the only one in my group in my particular office) and then trickled back my way. Not so as of last week when clients apparently realized they can just call ME with their questions. Which is a total trip - people are calling ME to get answers. People think I have answers. Wow. And even scarier, I DO have some answers. Of course, I run them by the powers-that-be before giving them out, but I have been able to help a couple of clients solve a couple of problems.

- Friends. Have you ever decided that you miss friends from high school/college/grad school/summer camp/random summer job? I decided that this week. It may have had something to do with the hours I spent driving and listening to good music (and yes, getting paid to do it since it is for work)... but whatever the reason, I've gotten back in touch with several people in the last week, and had several hours of much-needed catch-up conversations. Luckily no one has had a kid since we last spoke, but one friend could have... she's had a bf for 9 months that I didn't know about! I also had a trip up to NYC and a Tapas party. (I will have to post the recipe for TexMex Pizza Bites Bf and I invented at the last minute.)

- Cooking. I decided to channel my inner Martha again (she's been hiding since I started work) and made a special dinner for Bf to enjoy when he got in on Friday. 3 hours on Thursday night and I had myself some Mexican Lasagna, a recipe from Pioneer Woman. (I can't find it right now or I would link it - sorry! It is amazing and shouldn't take that long - I'm just slow and picked a long-cooking rice - and if you want the recipe, let me know and I'll keep looking for it!)

- Cleaning. Yes, this is a recurring item, and every other week the entire mess seems to have grown back. I have the loaves and fishes of clothes and magazines. So I spend several hours each time before Bf comes home, cleaning/sorting/throwing out.

- Lounging. You may laugh, but this is an important item. Since Bf and I are long distance, we try for a bit of "normal life" when we're together. Rather than making our weekends "special" we often leave unplanned time to just lie around the house and cuddle - it's a special feeling with nothing hurrying us because our entire relationship is lived in hurried segments "visit" and "between visit" etc. Of course we did find time to indulge in a rainy afternoon at a gourmet chocolate shop. Truffle crispy fries, spiced Mexican hot chocolate, and a chocolate-coated-brownie ice cream sundae. Yes, we split it all :) And yes, I was worried I would have to roll home after.

- Clothes shopping. Put on a few pounds over the holidays and rather than fretting (I'd lost a lot of weight last summer while studying) I just decided to treat myself to some new work clothes. And cute PJs :)

- Last but not least, I found my Dream House. I told BF that I need it - not want it, but need it. I even told him I think it will cure my hives. (My hives continue to keep me busy too, but I'll save that for another post.)

So hopefully this counts as at least a semi-excuse, and I'll keep making an effort to post in the future!

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