Saturday, February 7, 2009


I have no idea why 6:52 has become my body's magic time. However, once again I shot wide awake at 6:52 this morning. And immediately knew this was not a morning I would be falling back asleep. Bf is still in bed, breathing heavily, and I'm out in the living room trying to figure out what to do until my car appointment in an hour.

Yesterday my car had an "issue" as we like to call them. It's an older-model Jeep, and has recently (for the last two years) been complaining about it's age. Nothing big. Just clunking around on sudden flat tires, emitting strange smells, refusing to start and needing a new battery, refusing to start and needing a new starter, refusing to start and.... you get the idea, and of course the time it started billowing smoke (which I was unaware of when I went to pick up my best friend, until she started waving frantically and screaming "Get! Out! Now!"). So we have an exciting history and yesterday was no exception. I was out in the boonies of my state and when I went to get in my car after my meetings, I noticed there was something hanging off the bottom and practically dragging on the ground. Hmmm, I thought, that doesn't look good. But being me, I quickly went to the most rustic looking gas station around, where they actually had a mechanic rather than just a Quick-E-Mart type guy, asked him if it was safe to drive home, and promptly called my home garage an hour away to make an appointment. I guess I'm just a creature of habit! After that, I made a beeline for home, of course heading out through country with no cell reception and few cars.

Anyway, clearly I'm fine and the car is still in one (almost one) piece. I hope y'all have a good weekend!

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